• FBI Director's award - U.S. v. Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman et al
  • United States Attorney's Award - U.S. V. Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman et al
  • Award for leadership role in the FBI's Khobar Towers' investigation in Saudi Arabia
  • Award for significant role in the FBI's Sour Gas investigation in Texas, USA
  • Award for leadership role in the FBI's investigation of the bombing of the American Embassy in Tanzania
  • Recognition from the FBI Special Agents in Charge of the Dallas and Buffalo Divisions for the significant role in the disruption of the Lackawanna Six sleeper cell Lackawanna, NY
  • Recognition from the FBI Dallas Division for role in its Command Post for the London Subway attacks
  • FBI award for Intelligence gathering
  • FBI award for source recruitment
  • Official acknowledgement from Southern Methodist University for Active Shooter Training
  • Award from King Hussain of Jordan for providing training to the Jordanian Police and Military
  • Award from Prince Naif bin Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabian Minister of Interior, for investigative efforts with the Saudi Intelligence component
  • Award from the Brazilian Police for Interviewing and Interrogation training provided to the Brazilian Police
  • Award from the Jordanian Intelligence Service for participating in joint Counterterrorism training
  • Award from the FBI Dallas Division for participating in the investigation of the Husam Smoadi case
  • Award from the FBI Dallas Division for participating and advising investigators for the Khaled Al-Dowsary case